Dear readers,
I’d love to share the following with you. A bit about how this book came into being.
By Mid 2009 I was done with my story. Then for many many moons I searched high & low for a good Editor, and a good publisher who would print my narrative “Uncensored” !! ( Believe me it was not easy ). I wasn’t very satisfied with my own script. One fine day I decided that Ardavan, my son, can be the best editor ever. As I saw him grow, I figured out that his writing skills and wizardry over the English language was simply ridiculously outstanding !! He has surely gone after both my Grand Fathers. Making him “More English than the English themselves” !! Thus I put my act together, and sent him my story chapter by chapter. When the narrative came come back to me after his editing…..It made me feel that I was by no means a writer……..I was just an ordinary “Story teller” My version felt as If I was “Taking” to my audience…..Ardavans English brought life into this tale……It gives me pride to say, “This maybe my story, but the book belongs to Ardavan. Many thanks Son……Your efforts will be remembered for ever.
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